Rick Warren's 10 Suggestions at the 4th Lausanne Conference

by reformanda posted Sep 28, 2024
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Rick Warren's 10 Suggestions at the 4th Lausanne Conference



The 4th Lausanne Conference, held in Seoul-Incheon, concluded. Pastor Rick Warren who recently retired from leading Saddleback Church, presented "10 Suggestions for Fulfilling Christ's Great Commission" on the final day of the 4th Lausanne Conference in Seoul 2024.


Before beginning his talk, Warren asked attendees under 40 to stand up. He admired and was proud of them, saying, "I am grateful when I see you. You have great potential." He then asked those over 40 to stand, acknowledging their hard work in missions and urging them to teach the younger leaders well.


Warren reflected on his journey: "I attended the Lausanne Conference in my youth and have witnessed the progress over the years. I am grateful for all of your efforts." He also shared, "I have dedicated my life to completing Christ's Great Commission. I hope you, too, will fulfill the mission Christ entrusted you and successfully finish your faith journey."



Warren then introduced "10 Suggestions for Fulfilling Christ's Great Commission" as follows:


1. Continue praying for God's power. In Acts of Apostles, God bestowed the power to the people of prayer.


2. Translate the Bible for all people. God's Word is living and active. Sadly, there are still thousands of people groups without a Bible in their native language. Just as on the day of Pentecost, everyone should be able to read the Bible in their language.


3. Appreciate diversity. Diversity in the church is a strength, not a weakness. God desires unity within diversity.


4. Train everyone to proclaim the gospel. God pours out His Spirit on the old and the young, giving them dreams and visions. Spread the gospel, build people up, and fight against suffering and poverty. We are participants, not observers and practitioners, not mere audience members.


5. Apply God's Word in daily life. In the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to teach and live the gospel.


6. Practice love and demonstrate it. It is not just about saving souls; we must also put love into action.


7. Build up strong house churches. Do not equate the church with buildings.


8. Offer worship filled with joy. Non-believers should feel joy when they attend church services or house church gatherings.


9. Share everything to work together. The book of Acts describes how the early church shared everything they had. Sharing and working together are essential.


10. Embrace financial sacrifice. The early church sold their possessions and shared them with others.


Editor of Reformanda and Bread University, Busan Korea



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